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Press Release

PIMCO Joins CFOs in Launch of SDG Principles

Newport Beach, California (September 21, 2020) – PIMCO, one of the world’s premier fixed income investment managers, today joined the United Nations Global Compact and the Chief Financial Officers (CFOs) of multiple global companies in announcing the launch of the “CFO Principles on Integrated SDG Investments and Finance”.

The principles, developed by the UN Global Compact CFO Taskforce, are designed to mobilize and guide CFOs and their finance teams in aligning investment and financing strategies with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) - the set of 17 social, environmental, and governance goals adopted by UN Member States in 2015.

“Understanding how issuers contribute to the SDGs is a fundamental part of PIMCO’s sustainable investment and engagement strategy,” said Scott Mather, Chief Investment Officer of PIMCO U.S. Core Strategies, and Co-Chair of the CFO Taskforce. “These principles provide the first integrated, UN-backed framework for companies to incorporate the SDGs in their financial strategy and operations. We hope this will encourage even more issuers to embed sustainability at the core of their business and create new opportunities for SDG investment."

Members of the UN Global Compact CFO Taskforce include companies such as Ford, Unilever, and Verizon. The Taskforce called on CFOs everywhere to endorse the principles, highlighting the importance of achieving critical mass in order to effectively address the so-called SDG financing gap.

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