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Naila Makhdumi

Account Manager, Global Wealth Management
Ms. Makhdumi is an executive vice president and head of the private banks, trusts, and platforms channel in PIMCO's U.S. global wealth management organization. In this role, she oversees a team of investment professionals who manage the firm's relationships with global private banks, national and regional banks, and retail platforms. Previously, she was a team lead and managed the firm's relationships with wirehouses, independent broker-dealers, and private banks. Prior to joining PIMCO in 2009, she was at J.P. Morgan in the corporate strategy and business development group in the asset management division, and previously as a credit research analyst in the investment banking division. In 2012, Ms. Makhdumi received the "Rising Star Award" from the Women's Bond Club of New York, where she now serves as a board member. She has 21 years of investment and financial services experience and holds an MBA from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania and an undergraduate degree in economics from Yale University.
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