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Disclosure in accordance with Article 3 of Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2017/576 and Article 65(6) of Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2017/565 for the period from 1 January to 31 December 2021.


This information is designed and intended for the use of distributors of PIMCO sponsored investment funds referenced herein. No part of this material may be reproduced in any form, or referred to in any other publication, without the express permission of PIMCO. This information has not been audited and is provided on a reasonable efforts basis and is based on the current data available to the relevant PIMCO entity.

European MiFID Template

The information may contain current opinions of the relevant PIMCO entity that are subject to change without notice, PIMCO does not assume any obligation to revise, update or amend any of the information herein. The information contained herein is believed by PIMCO to be reliable, but its accuracy cannot be guaranteed. The information includes data in relation to the PIMCO product(s) target market (based solely on PIMCO’s theoretical knowledge and experience of a similar product, without any specific knowledge of the distributor’s underlying clients), and also, includes total costs and charges information relating to the PIMCO product (which is based solely on PIMCO’s own calculations, interpretations and estimations). It is the responsibility of each distributor to revise the costs and charges information contained herein, as applicable, to reflect any additional costs and charges applied to an underlying client. The methodology which is applied to calculate any costs and charges figures within the EMT may be subject to change from time to time, without notice.

European PRIIPs Template

The information may contain current opinions of the relevant PIMCO entity that are subject to change without notice, PIMCO does not assume any obligation to revise, update or amend any of the information herein. The information contained herein is believed by PIMCO to be reliable, but its accuracy cannot be guaranteed. The information includes data in relation to the PIMCO product(s) target market (based solely on PIMCO’s theoretical knowledge and experience of a similar product, without any specific knowledge of the PRIIP manufacturer’s underlying clients), and also, includes total costs and charges information relating to the PIMCO product (which is based solely on PIMCO’s own calculations, interpretations and estimations). It is the responsibility of each PRIIP manufacturer to revise the costs and charges information contained herein, as applicable, to reflect any additional costs and charges applied to an underlying client. The methodology which is applied to calculate any costs and charges figures within the EPT may be subject to change from time to time, without notice.

The information contained herein does not contain marketing materials and has not been disclosed for marketing purposes. Please note that funds/share classes listed in this document may not be available or registered in your specific jurisdiction. Information on the funds/share classes registered in your jurisdiction can be found on your local PIMCO website.

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