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David Oh

Account Manager, Equities Strategies
Mr. Oh is an executive vice president and account manager in the Newport Beach office, leading equity efforts with consultant and institutional relationships in the Americas. He previously co-led U.S. institutional business development with a focus on managing relationships with corporations and healthcare organizations, and was also an account manager focused on institutional client servicing for U.S. healthcare clients. Prior to joining PIMCO in 2011, he founded and built a healthcare services company, and was a senior account manager with IBM. Mr. Oh was also previously an associate and analyst with J.P. Morgan’s investment banking division. He is the founder of PIMCO LEAP, and serves on the board of directors of Ascend OC. He has 18 years of investment and financial services experience and holds an MBA from Harvard Business School and undergraduate degrees in mathematical methods in the social sciences and economics from Northwestern University.
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