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Patrice Denis

Co-Head of PIMCO Canada
Mr. Denis is an executive vice president, co-head of PIMCO Canada, and head of the Canadian institutional team. Based in Montreal, he is responsible for setting strategic direction for Canada and leading a team of PIMCO professionals to deliver innovative investment solutions and best-in-class service to Canadian institutional investors. Prior to joining PIMCO in 2010, he was head of Canadian distribution for State Street Global Advisors, where he led a team responsible for business development and client servicing in the marketplace. Previously, he worked at Mercer in Toronto, Calgary, and Montreal as a pension and investment analyst. He has 26 years of investment experience and holds a bachelor's degree in actuarial sciences from the University of Western Ontario. He is also a Fellow of the Society of Actuaries (FSA) and a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA).
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