Asset Class Diversification Is Not the Same as Risk Factor Diversification
Even highly diversified portfolios may not adequately cushion market volatility. Understanding the underlying risk factors that many asset classes share can help investors create a more efficient, risk-managed portfolio.
What these charts show
Portfolios may contain unintentional risk. The portfolio shown here is broadly diversified across asset classes, but in fact has a very concentrated exposure to underlying equity risk. It is important to note that diversification cannot ensure a profit or protect against loss in a declining market. It is a strategy used to help mitigate risk.
What it means for investors
Portfolio solutions need to take an allocation approach that looks beyond asset class labels and focuses instead on risk factors – the underlying risk exposures that ultimately drive investment returns.
What this chart shows
Different asset classes often share the same underlying risk factors, which explains the majority of their returns. The chart shows the degree of various risk factor exposure across asset classes. For example, broad equity risk factors are present in a wide range of investments.
What it means for investors
A truly diversified strategy should look beyond asset class labels – first identifying risks that deliver the desired return potential, and then selecting a mix of asset classes that provide efficient exposure to those risks. This allows investors to avoid risk factors believed to be overvalued or carrying excessive downside potential.