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John Nersesian

Senior Consultant, Advisor Education
Mr. Nersesian is a senior consultant on the advisor education team at PIMCO, providing advanced wealth management and investment consulting education to financial professionals. Prior to this role, he was a senior managing director of wealth management services for Nuveen Investments. Previously, he was a first vice president at Merrill Lynch Private Client Group, where he also led advanced training for financial consultants. He served as a board member of the Investments and Wealth Institute (IWI, formerly IMCA) from 2006–2017 and as chairman for the 2014–2015 term, and he is a faculty member for the IWI Certified Private Wealth Advisor (CPWA) and Certified Investment Management Analyst (CIMA) education programs held at Yale University and The University of Chicago. He has 39 years of investment and financial services experience and holds an undergraduate degree in business and economics from Lehigh University.
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